三十出头 In his early thirties
Sānshí chūtóu
今年我三十出头 I am in my early thirties this year
jīnnián wǒ sānshí chūtóu
就是没有女朋友 Just no girlfriend
jiùshì méiyǒu nǚ péngyǒu
看着别人手牵手 Watching others holding hands
kànzhe biérén shǒu qiānshǒu
心里感觉酸溜溜 Feel sore in my heart
xīnlǐ gǎnjué suānliūliū
尤其是到了晚上 Especially at night
yóuqí shì dàole wǎnshàng
我一个人更难受 I'm more uncomfortable alone
wǒ yīgè rén gèng nánshòu
眼泪不停的往下流 Tears kept flowing down
yǎnlèi bù tíng de wǎng xiàliú
只好抱着花枕头 Had to hold a flower pillow
zhǐhǎo bàozhe huā zhěntou
不是我不爱你 Not i don't love you
bùshì wǒ bù ài nǐ
可惜你妈不同意 Unfortunately, your mother doesn't agree
kěxí nǐ mā bù tóngyì
她说我没啥出息 She said I'm nothing good
tā shuō wǒ méi shà chūxī
不让我俩在一起 Keep us out
bù ràng wǒ liǎ zài yīqǐ
男人要顶天立地 Men must stand up
nánrén yào dǐngtiānlìdì
努力奋斗要争气 Work hard to win
nǔlì fèndòu yào zhēngqì
打拼几年荣归故里 Work hard for a few years to return home
dǎpīn jǐ nián róngguī gùlǐ
一定会来把你娶 Will come to marry you
yīdìng huì lái bǎ nǐ qǔ
妹妹等我别心急 Don't wait for my sister
mèimei děng wǒ bié xīnjí
哥哥永远只爱你 Brother loves you forever
gēgē yǒngyuǎn zhǐ ài nǐ
Sānshí chūtóu
jīnnián wǒ sānshí chūtóu
jiùshì méiyǒu nǚ péngyǒu
kànzhe biérén shǒu qiānshǒu
xīnlǐ gǎnjué suānliūliū
yóuqí shì dàole wǎnshàng
wǒ yīgè rén gèng nánshòu
yǎnlèi bù tíng de wǎng xiàliú
zhǐhǎo bàozhe huā zhěntou
bùshì wǒ bù ài nǐ
kěxí nǐ mā bù tóngyì
tā shuō wǒ méi shà chūxī
bù ràng wǒ liǎ zài yīqǐ
nánrén yào dǐngtiānlìdì
nǔlì fèndòu yào zhēngqì
dǎpīn jǐ nián róngguī gùlǐ
yīdìng huì lái bǎ nǐ qǔ
In his early thirties
I am in my early thirties this year
Just no girlfriend
Watching others holding hands
Feel sore in my heart
Especially at night
I'm more uncomfortable alone
Tears kept flowing down
Had to hold a flower pillow
Not i don't love you
Unfortunately, your mother doesn't agree
She said I'm nothing good
Keep us out
Men must stand up
Work hard to win
Work hard for a few years to return home
Will come to marry you
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