(Last song) ទូកយើងវិលមកវិញហើយ Our boat is back touk yeung vilomokvinh haey ទូកយើងវិលមកវិញហើយ Our boat is back touk yeung vilomokvinh haey ឱ!បងប្អូនអើយ ច្រៀងរាំអបអរ Brothers and sisters, sing and dance ao! bangobaaun aey chriengra abaar លាបទឹកអប់ ថែមប្រេងម្សៅ Apply perfume and oil. leab tukaab them brengomsaow លាបទឹកអប់ ថែមប្រេងម្សៅ Apply perfume and oil. leab tukaab them brengomsaow ញាតិមិត្តភូមិផៅ ដល់កីឡាករ Relatives and friends of Phum village to players nheatemitt phoumi phaw dl keilakr ច្រៀងសាទរ អំណរទូកយើងថ្មោងថ្មី Singing for the joy of our new boat chrieng satr amnr touk yeung thmaongothmei ដែលទើបនិងបាន ជោគជ័យ New and successful del teub ning ban chokchy នាំសុខសួស្ដី សិរីមង្គលមកដល់ភូមិស្រុក Bring happiness and happiness to the district village nea sokhsuosdei serimongkol mokadl phoumisrok ជម្រាបម៉ែពុក Inform parents chomreab me pouk ...
Life is the present, it is not the experience. The weight and the strength of experience shadow the present, and so experiencing becomes the experience. J. Krishnamurti _ https://shorturl.at/ahCX0