爱上你 ai shang ni 永远不后悔 yong yuan bu hou hui 除了你 chu liao ni 知心又有谁 zhi xin you you shui 细雨就像 xi yu jiu xiang 梨花泪 li hua lei 点点滴滴 dian dian di di 都可贵 dou ke gui 相聚时满怀 xiang ju shi man huai 甜滋味 tian zi wei 分手时美梦 fen shou shi mei meng 难追回 nan zhui hui 细雨就像 xi yu jiu xiang 梨花泪 li hua lei 盼望那梨花 pan wang na li hua 吐新蕊 tu xin rui
Life is the present, it is not the experience. The weight and the strength of experience shadow the present, and so experiencing becomes the experience. J. Krishnamurti _