天邊走來走來一片片雲彩 There are clouds coming and going in the sky 是你把眷戀落在我心懷 It was you who left your attachment in my heart 陽光知道知道我的情懷 The sunshine knows my feelings 那一片花海在為你盛開 That sea of flowers is blooming for you 風兒帶走帶走一片片雲彩 The wind takes away the clouds 是你把牽掛寄在我心懷 It was you who placed your care in my heart 月光知道知道我的思念 The moonlight knows that I miss you 心上的人啊何時才回來 When will the person I love come back? 我愛你就像天上的雲彩 I love you like the clouds in the sky 心隨你遠走走向那天之外 My heart goes far away with you and goes beyond that day 我愛你就像綿綿的山脈 I love you like a mountain range 一生一世為你等待 Waiting for you all my life Tiān biān zǒu lái zǒu lái yī piàn piàn yún cai shì nǐ bǎ juàn liàn luò zài wǒ xīn huái.. yáng guāng zhīdào zhīdào wǒ de qíng huái nà yī piàn huā (hǎi zài) wèi shơng... kāi fēng er dài zǒu...
Life is the present, it is not the experience. The weight and the strength of experience shadow the present, and so experiencing becomes the experience. J. Krishnamurti _ https://shorturl.at/ahCX0